Why do people like All Cotton Fabric

Update:30 Sep

  Cotton is a natural crop used by humans dating back to 600 BC. Cotton is harvested like many other crops - by the humans who till and till the land! This has always been a labor-intensive process, but it's well worth it due to the enormous benefits of its use in fabrics. All Cotton Fabric offers many benefits, such as its ability to control moisture, insulate, and provide comfort, and it's also hypoallergenic, weatherproof, and durable fabric.

  Here's why we love All Cotton Fabric:

  1. Cotton is naturally absorbent and does not sweat like synthetic fibers, helping to keep you naturally dry.

  2. Cotton is soft, absorbent and breathable. So if your clothes are itchy, irritated, stiff or sticky, check the labels because your clothes may not contain cotton.

  3. Cotton is more breathable than oil-based synthetic fabrics such as polyester, so it is more suitable to wear when exercising.

  4. Cotton is less likely to cause allergic reactions than other fabrics.

  5. Cotton is strong, tough and not afraid to stain its fibers. You can count on it to last a long time and not fall apart on the first wear.